Wednesday, January 12, 2022

What is going on this month: January

What could possibly be going on in January in the gardening world in Michigan? Well, we are doing a few things around here that you could probably do as well as you have the time. There's no weeding or harvesting going on, very little, if any planting. It's time to get your planning done for the upcoming season! I have found myself in sticky situations in the garden by not having a plan. I buy seeds or plants without a specific place in mind and they end up getting too much shade, not enough water, poor soil, etc. if I have to just toss them in the ground. Now is the time that the seed catalogues begin arriving. Go ahead and flip through them, but I encourage you to have an idea of what you need to plant and how much space you have before buying. Draw your beds, list your cultivars, and start assigning spaces. Then fill in the gaps with your wish-list! 

As a reminder, my list will be specific to my garden for now but will grow to encompass general strategies for my region and FDA zone, which is 5(b).

Here's what we're working on in January:

- Laying out the garden on paper

- Planning new bed locations

- Scheduling seed starts

- Starting Asparagus seeds

- Cold stratify saved seeds if needed

- Maintaining dormant Capsicums

- sharpen lawnmower blades

- clean, sharpen, and oil garden tools

- designing garden fixtures (trellises and arbors)

- Cloning mushrooms

- Cutting down trees (Making room for a new Grove)

- Seed shopping!!!

Harvest Schedule:

- Kale (Yes, I still have some left! Probably Final)

- Indoor herbs

- Indoor hydroponics