Tuesday, December 7, 2021

What is going on this month: December

Once again, it's the time of the month where I list some of the things we are working on at Third-Acre so that hopefully we can inspire, inform, and collaborate with other gardeners all over.

As a reminder, my list will be specific to my garden for now but will grow to encompass general strategies for my region and FDA zone, which is 5(b).

Here's what we're working on in December:

- Starting indoor gardens

- Planning beds for next season 

- Repotting indoor plants

- Building Cold Frames

- Maintaining dormant Capsicums

- Pruning fruit trees

- Germinating mushrooms 

- Germinating tree seeds

- Germinating slow growing herbs

- Prepping household brown compost

Harvest Schedule:

- Kale

- Herbs (Final, unless brought indoors. Otherwise dormant.)

- Leafy Greens (Final)

- Cabbage (Final)

- Bunching onion tops (Final)

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