Monday, June 13, 2022

Garden Spotlight: Garlic bed

This is the OG garden bed. It's made out of the top of a porch swing frame we cut down and flipped over while refurbishing the play space for our kids. 

The first year we had it, we had tomatoes, squash, and peppers. We ended up with a lot of tomatoes from our two plants, a ton of squash, and everything else got crowded out.  

The next year, we tried planting the whole thing with garlic. We started too late and didn't water enough, so we got a couple of marble-sized heads of flavorless garlic. 

This year's crop is doing great! We only planted half so that we could do root crops in the left half this spring. The parsnips and salsify are coming along nicely.

Once we harvest the garlic, we intend to transplant bush beans into their space to take us through the rest of the season.

Bonus: This is what we're dubbing our "Greenspace Teepee." We built it out of sunflower stalks we dried from last year, and planted climbing crops all around it. By the end of summer, this should be covered in climbing beans, peas, and morning glories to provide a fun space for the kids to play in. We'll do a whole spotlight on this later this season as it fills out!

Bonus 2: Compost space. There's a wood box behind the lattice that we make our compost. This is where we toss our food scraps, yard waste, carboard and shredded paper, and dryer lint. Then we have 3 "stations" at each pallet. Every month, we stir the compost, but then every other month, we move the compost one station to the left. We empty station three into four, two into three, and so on. As the compost travels down the line, it becomes thoroughly mixed and more broken down. We use the compost farthest to the left in the garden and planters. If that's depleted, we move on to station 3. 
Also shown, 3 of our potato planters.

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