Saturday, June 25, 2022

Site Plan - June 2022 update

I've said this before, but we have a 3 year plan to complete our transformation from traditional lawn to a permaculture and urban garden. We are off to a good start for year two! The central portion is all in progress.

This week we started the herb and tea gardens. The herb garden is bordered, edged, and mostly planted. Construction of the path between the herbs and the Shrubbery / Food Forest is underway. This is the most labor-intensive part as we have to excavate the turf by hand and lay heavy landscape fabric. We still need to sheet-mulch around the plants and place woodchips to fill it out.

The Tea Garden is roughly laid out, but it still needs to be bordered. We planted a Hibiscus and some clovers. We have 10 other species of plants started in trays and pots out back for this space. 

The reading garden may take the remainder of the timeline to complete. This is the only space that won't be focused on edible or beneficial plants. For this spot, we're focusing on a private reading space with aesthetic plant arrangements, water feature, flowering arbor, and a bench with a Little Free Library.


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