Monday, March 14, 2022

What is Going On This Month: March


The year is March-ing on (man, that is awful) and we're really hitting the pavement hard with our seed Germinating! From the list below, it doesn't seem like a lot but most of my days involve some sort of putting dirt into pots. Our herb and capsicum starts are looking fantastic from last month and many need to be thinned already. As we're selling seedlings in May, thinning will involve lots of repotting, and I'm quickly running out of space! I'm very ready for warm days so I can start bringing trays outside to get some light.

As a reminder, my list will be specific to my garden for now but will grow to encompass general strategies for my region and FDA zone, which is 5(b).

Here's what we're working on in March:

- Starting Tomato seeds

- Repotting herb and capsicum seedlings 

- splitting Indoor plants

- Cold stratify sunflower seeds

- Cold stratify perennial herbs

- Building Cold Frames

- direct sowing Cold weather crops

Harvest Schedule:

- Indoor herbs

- Indoor hydroponics

- Indoor mushrooms

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