Monday, June 6, 2022

What is Going on this Month: June

June is a time of growth. Not much planting, not much harvesting. Now is a good time to start experimenting with rain collection, composting, liquid organic fertilizers, and mulching techniques.

As a reminder, my list will be specific to my garden for now but will grow to encompass general strategies for my region and FDA zone, which is 5(b).

Here's what we're working on in June:

- cutting grass for mulch and compost

- Planting quick growing crops: bush beans, salad greens, radish

- Selling and gifting unplanted starts

- Build outdoor mushroom beds

- Mulch beds

- Mulch paths

- Turn compost

Harvest/Forage Schedule:

- Dryad Saddle Mushrooms

- Chanterelle Mushroom

- Chicken of the Woods

- Crown-tipped Coral Fungus

- Dead Nettle

- Hosta Leaves

- Chives

- Asparagus

- Kale

- Salad greens

- Spinach

- Radish

- Herbs

- Chiles/Capsicums

- Onion Tops

- Garlic Scapes

- Black Cap Raspberries 

- Strawberries

- Day Lilly Buds

- Peas

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